Jumat, 14 Juni 2013

Music..... or should i say MUSICrap

Hello everyone...
Actually it's been a year since i wrote the last post, yeah... i've been busy with my test for my last semester, and right now, i'm a jobless person with "Last Project" as my alibi, it really tired just to imagine how complex it will.... since some stuff called "birokrasi" makes everything sooo... hard.

Anyway, today i'm not gonna talk about My study, Today i want to talk about music, especially music in indonesia.

It's hurt when i hear people said "Indonesian music is a crap!".

It' really tickle me when some night my laptop played one songs from "Judy & Mary".

they are band from Japan in late 90's until 2000-something for more information you can watch their perform here or you can google them. so... when i heard their song, it's reminds me to one of Indonesian band... it's Evo.

Evo is a band consist of great musician, formed in 2006, this band introduce me to 2 cool musician, they are Elda (voc) and Didit Saad (Guitar). Their first (one and only) album called Evolution, with Agresif as their hit single, this band was a blast for me. The uniqueness of Elda's vocal, and a great song (spacebound, Agresif, Evolution, Telah berlalu, Dia & Aku) really give me goosebumps. For me They are another agent of changes, but it's sad, that's market doesn't respond them nicely, finally Disbanded.
For you guys who not lucky enough to see their songs, you can search it in youtube, and for those who addicted to Elda's Voice, you can search her latest project "Stars and Rabbit". I will discussed Stars and Rabbit later.

Now... Moving on to the next band, another sick band formed on 2005. Garasi

It's all begin from a mastermind of Indonesian Jazz musician, Indra Lesmana, he found all the members of Garasi. Ayu (voc) was joined audition for sing talent, she didn't get the golden ticket, but indra lesmana smells her talent, so he picked her up, Ferdi nuril (guitar) is an actor and fortunately he got a great taste of music, so another pack for Indra Lemana, the last one is Aries Budiman, He often join music contest, and for several times got "The Best Drummer" award.
The most sick music is in their first album for me is "DKAD" check it out here, it's a fusion of Rock/Metal/whatever you called it as long as you get what i mean, with ethnic, really groovy for me.
Great Musician, Great Mastermind, Sick music, but still they disbanded. Latest news i got are: Ayu Ratna makes a band in japan it's called "The AIU", while ferdi nuril hire another two new member and in my opinion, both of these band doesn't close enough to what Garasi used to. The picture you see above, is the first formation of Garasi.

Why are they disbanded? i couldn't the details stuff, but economy must be on of their reason. Lack support from their fans, make their income get cut out to the bottom.

So... actually if you kind of Guys who only watch tv and said "Indonesian music is a crap!", i believe you're not open your ears wide enough to hear the sound of indie. Big Bow, Salute and respect to a tv show called "Radio Show". Radio Show is the only tv program that embrace indie band, band that doesn't want to lose their idealism for music. Watch one of their show here.

But event Radio Show isn't strong enough. Finally this show stop broadcasted one year ago.

Actually we do still have a lot of great musician, but we won't find it in television, you have to go to indie concert, open Youtube, one of great website that i can suggest to you is Reverbnation, it has a feature called Rabbit Hole, and can direct you to related band with your favorite band.

"Why don't they showed up in televison" because other than Radio Show, there are absolutely no show that want to invite indie band to come. Why? well back to the almighty reason, Economy.

Here i want to ask you guys, who really care with the development of music industry in indonesia, please support your local indie bands, but still you have to be objective, you must love their song, not the band.

I hope with my post, several people will start to support indie bands, and one day, there will be no more "indie" band.

and salute

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